You guys! We are 9 hours away from boarding the plane to Belize!! We’re kind of emotional rollercoasters right now, between excitement, anxiety, sadness, expectation, fear (just to mention a few.) One of the little ones has been on the verge of tears all evening saying that we’re not going, that none of us are going, but then gets excited every 15 minutes and wants to pack the suitcase one more time. Me on the other hand, I might need prayer. At bedtime we couldn’t find pajamas, or even a t-shirt for Maddie to wear to bed. I may have accidently packed everything and left nothing for the next two days and night. To many things to do, too little time!!! (Forgive me in advance for typos due to lack of sleep these past few days.)
God has had us on a crazy adventure this past year all over this side of the world and has left us completely in awe at His provision and guidance over every step. We got to spend time with so many of you who we love so much and had the chance to learn tons from every church family we visited that we know will help us navigate ministry. We can only imagine with wild anticipation what He has in store for us once our feet hit the ground.
This past week we had the opportunity to leave our kids with some friends for the night to be able to take a moment to get away and pray and plan for the beginning of our time in San Ignacio. We know that God has amazing plans for this church to be intimately close to Him, that He wants to raise up true disciples and simply be present among His people in this place. Please pray with us as we begin to walk this out. We are very excited to get down there, meet with national leaders and begin to see how everything will start to take shape. We will keep an updated list of prayer requests and answered prayers on the “Prayer” tab if you’d like to follow along.
We’ve spent the past month visiting the last few churches and even got to be at an amazing leadership weekend. We’ve been getting all the last details in order, packing, vaccines, bank accounts and a huge to-do list. We had been praying

for the right place to live once we get there, something short term so that once we are there we’ll be able to figure out where will be the best place to live. Some friends of ours put us in contact with a sweet family that rents out a house and it worked out absolutely perfect that it was going to become available the same day that we arrive. It’s in the same neighborhood as our church and close to stores and everything to make life a little easier when we’re still trying to figure out life in our new home. It is so comforting and encouraging to see that even in this God is going before us.
We are still working on raising support and being fully funded, and are getting closer. As we go forward after this time of furlough and transition we are humbled and in awe of all that God has done. If would like to know how to become a part of our support family please send us an e-mail or you the donation link at the bottom of this post.
Much love- The Gutierrez Family