This day seems like it was an eternity ago. We were stressing out, wondering and hoping that everything was going to get there okay and get through customs. But God is so good, and it was the smoothest process ever in the end. Why do we waste our time worrying?
It was so hot when we stepped off the plane. As we walked down the stairs to the tarmac Ethan said almost laughing “Oh my gosh, I ALWAYS wanted to walk down stairs to get off the plane!!!”
The first few weeks were here was all about figuring out how to survive in this climate. A visit to the river was a big win!
Hanging out at the Macal River.
Taking a break after our first trip to the outdoor market in San Ignacio. There are no huge US style grocery stores here. They have hardly any produce so the only way to do it is to make a weekly trip to the market. Watermelon, mangos, and pineapples are absolutely amazing here!
Watermelon juice, tostadas, and salbutes. Yum.
Our very first Sunday here we met with the people who had still been attending the church.
The only way to beat the heat is to go the park at 7:00 a.m.
Kids ministry.
The kids who have been coming. The first few weeks we were here, were a little long and lonely for our kids. When Ethan new it was a day for church is started praying every time “Lord, please let kids come today. Anem.” Then He would remain 100% convinced they were coming until they walked through the door.
Geckos. Everywhere.
Visiting the elementary school on the last day before summer vacation.
We had a really fun meeting with the youth leaders from LifeNet Church to hear about the national youth camp that is being planned for August. We are hoping to be able to bring a few of the youth from San Ignacio to the camp next week.
Maddie made sure we go to check out the local emergency room after she fell and cut her lip open. She ended up needing one stitch, which lasted 24 hours before she bit the knot off and it fell out.
Lizards. Everywhere.
Little Miss Everly brightening up the world with her smile.
Taking a moment to play in Spanish Lookout after picking up somethings for the church.
This was the average temperature inside out house the first two weeks we were here.
We were invited to share a short message at the preschool graduation. These little kids are adorable!!The school year will start again in September and we’ll get a chance to know all of these face so much better!!
Arms of Love Preschool graduation.
Prayer night. Turn on some worship music and just bask in His presence. Nothing better!!
These are just a few of the boxes that just cleared customs coming in from Guatemala. God’s favor was with us this day in such a huge way! Thankfully we were able to move quite a bit of our stuff over here.
Destiny came from our church to spend a couple months with us and help out with the kids. We are so thankful for her.
Evie turned 1.
Celebrating with some cousins.
On our way back to Belize from Guatemala the kids had fun swimming when we had to stop for the night.
We may have gotten a few Happy Meals while we were in Guatemala. No chain restaurants here in Belize.
Praying over the young guys who have been faithfully coming the past few months.
We have been envisioning what is to come in the church and praying prayers of faith that God will do great things here.
One of our first Sundays meeting in the classroom at church, keep it intimate.
We were stressing out this day, wondering and hoping that everything was going to get there okay and get through customs. But God is so good, and was the smoothest process ever in the end!!